Monday, March 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
They're Still Traveling
The NH Traveling Pants are still traveling. They'll end their reunion tour at the Wadleigh Memorial Library in March. Interested in hosting them at your library? Contact Tim Sheehan at the Derry Public Library to make arrangements.
Posted by Tim@Derry 0 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
The X-Perience @ Wiggin Memorial Library
Our Traveling Pants program on July 11 was part of our Teen Summer Reading X-Perience. A surprisingly small number of young women turned out to decorate the Pants, considering how popular the books are. But even six young adults having a smashing good time with their friends in the library is tough to beat. I provided a panoply of embellishment materials, and as always, was impressed by their creativity. Given the opportunity, teens can be remarkably artistic, especially when electronic devices are unplugged! A few girls brought in their own jeans and shorts to decorate once the Pants were done, while the rest worked on creating the scrapbook page.
My thanks join those of
-- Mindy Donohue, Youth Librarian
Wiggin Memorial Library/Stratham
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The NH Traveling Pants Reunion Tour
The NH Traveling Pants are currently on their second tour of the state. All libraries participating in the first tour will get a chance to see the finished products. The Pants are currently touring the White Mountains. They'll make their way down to the Lakes Region, the Upper Valley, the Monadnocks, the Merrimack Valley, and the Seacoast. This sixty-four week tour will end January 24, 2009 in Barrington.
Thanks to everyone participating with this project. We greatly appreciate the donations received.
Tim Sheehan
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
A Tale of Two Libraries and Several Pairs of Pants
Our original Traveling Pants program was a bit ambitious.
We envisioned a series of four book group/crafts events, where
the girls would read the books (in fact, all attending had already
read all 4 of the books!) and then talk about them, and then
decorate their own jeans and a pair for our library, the Goodwin
Library, in Farmington, culminating with the arrival and decoration
of the “official” NH State pants. We joined forces for this project
with the Nute Library in Milton.
I held my first program on May 23. 7 girls attended, 4 from
Farmington and 3 from Nute. I began with a book discussion
about Book 1, and the girls weighed in with their take on the
Sisterhood, and then had a great time decorating our library pair
of jeans as well as the jeans they brought themselves. We had
a variety of crafts materials including tulip paint slicks,
beads, buttons, swatches of fabric.
It was a wonderful group of girls and our home girls were very
welcoming to the girls from Nute. They chatted through the
whole evening and hated to stop working when the program
ended and the library was ready to close.
Karen Brown, at Nute Library in Milton, led the next two
meetings. I heard good things about their programs.
On August 22, four girls showed up to work on the “official” pants
and the scrapbook. Our embellishment was a small felt book with
pages that the girls decorated. I ordered a Traveling Pants cake, and
the girls had a great time chatting, decorating and eating cake.
It seems this is the type of program does attract teens
who are readers and are looking for a fun, creative project to do.
It was a lot of fun being involved!
Stephanie Piro
Goodwin Library
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Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Baklava, Demin Locker Pockets, and a Movie @ Weeks Public Library's Party
The week was pretty good. The pants were out and on display for the week, and we tried to grab every teen to sign them. We had a party on Thursday night and had 3 girls and two boys show up. The craft was a denim locker pocket. We had baklava as well, and the movie playing in the background. The teens ended up sitting and watching the movie after they completed their craft.It was a great idea, though I think for this community we just missed the cusp of real interest in the books!
Sharon Taylor
Assistant Director
Weeks Public Library
Posted by Tim@Derry 2 comments
Monday, July 30, 2007
Pants @ Plainfield
Our events went very well. We had four programs leading up to the actual traveling pants arriving. Four teenagers performed an original skit on the book, then we had two evenings of decorating our own jeans. These were on display for several weeks and patrons voted for their favorite. A local clothing store donated a gift certificate for the winner. Then the last program was actually decorating the traveling pair. I thought it was very successful. The girls had a lot of fun doing it, and patrons really enjoyed seeing everything.
Nancy Norwalk
Philip Read Memorial Library
Posted by Tim@Derry 0 comments
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Windham's Jeantastic Event and Pictures
Our time with the pants went very well. We had 5 girls come to our event and they really enjoyed themselves. It was nice because even though they didn't all know each other, they were chatting and laughing and having a great time. They designed the patch for the Traveling Pants and then went to town decorating the "
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